Recording: The Impact of Education on Deaf Individuals in 19th Century Ireland
StoriesTeatime TalksPublished 19 July 2024

On Thursday, April 11 we welcomed our Irish Sign Language (ISL) guide Alvean E. Jones to present a Teatime Talk, our series of talks inspired by the history and people of 14 Henrietta Street.
The talk explored the history of education for Deaf children in 19th Century Ireland and how Deaf trades emerged as a means for individuals to contribute meaningfully to society, changing how others viewed them. Alvean explained how education empowered Deaf individuals to become valued members of their communities, at a time when they were often seen as ‘burdens’
This talk was presented entirely in ISL with a live translation for the hearing audience by Cormac Leonard.
This talk is presented with audio, subtitles, and Alvean’s ISL. You can also download a transcript in PDF format here.
About the speaker:
Alvean E. Jones is a member of the Deaf Community with a deep passion for preserving their rich heritage. She studied history as one of her subjects for her primary degree at UCD. Her connection to the Deaf Heritage Centre Ireland has allowed her to contribute meaningfully to this endeavour. In 2016, she had the privilege of co-editing "Through the Arch," a book that honoured the 170th anniversary of St Mary’s School for Deaf Girls.
About Teatime Talks:
We share stories and uncover history related to the house and those who lived there. Teatime Talks responds to the things we learn about 14 Henrietta Street, to highlight hidden histories, elaborate on recurring themes and tell the stories of the house and its people. You can find out more information on them here.