14 Henrietta Street | Award-winning Dublin Museum ShopBook Now
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09 June 2020

5 Henrietta Street and Uinseann MacEoin

Opposite 14 Henrietta Street is James Bryson House, the name bestowed upon 5 Henrietta Street by Uinseann MacEoin, who together with his wif...

04 June 2020

Henrietta House and Herbert Simms

14 Henrietta Street is delighted to welcome historian Donal Fallon to write a series of blog posts about the building and it’s rich and vari...

22 May 2020

Working life in the tenements

You might look at the people of tenement Dublin and think they were poor and you might even feel sorry for them but in most cases you would...

11 May 2020

The Games We Played

Street games and children playing together was an important, fun, part of tenement life in Dublin and it’s something that former residents o...

19 February 2020

Lily Butterworth (née Dowling)

There is a room in 14 Henrietta Street called Mrs. Dowling’s room.
It’s the last room on the tour and it’s not uncommon to hear in the cha...

30 July 2019

'MUSEUM' created in response to the history of the house

Poet Paula Meehan and photographer Dragana Jurišić collaborate on new book inspired by the history and residents of 14 Henrietta Street

08 May 2019

14 Henrietta Street – Making a Museum: Working Life in Tenement Times

In the run up to our first year anniversary this September, we will be releasing Making a Museum, a series of short videos that look back at...


Do you have memories of Dublin’s tenements? Perhaps you lived in a tenement, or knew someone who did. Maybe you worked in or around the tenement buildings. Whatever your connection, we would like to hear your stories.