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Georgian Women of 14 Henrietta Street

Tour Guide Sheila Robinson writes about some of the women who lived on Henrietta Street in Georgian times.

The writing on the wall

Gillian Ryan shares her thoughts about a unique piece of graffiti in the house

Caring for 14 Henrietta Street

Did you know that the building actually makes up 50% of 14 Henrietta Street’s collection?

Meet the Team: Tania Desloge

Meet Tania, Collections Coordinator at 14 Henrietta Street.

Seán McLoughlin: The North King Street Bolshevik

The streets around Henrietta Street contain some surprising connections to the revolutionary period and the on-going decade of centenaries.

Factory Girls: Williams and Woods

Donal Fallon explores the legacy of the Williams and Woods Factory and the role it played in the lives of Henrietta Street residents, partic...

They say behind every great man there's a great woman...

This International Women's Day, Tour Guide Gillian Ryan remembers some of the women of Henrietta Street

Remembering Thomas Bryan

14 Henrietta Street is delighted to welcome historian Donal Fallon to write a series of blog posts about the building and its rich and varie...

Teatime Talk: ‘From Mud Huts to Garden Suburbs: Workers’ Housing in the Docklands’

This talk will examine how workers housing in the Dublin docklands evolved

Our playground was the street

A topic that often comes up when we speak to people is the memory of football as an important, often joyful part of life in tenement times.

Join us for our February Teatime Talk: The makings of the people's game - Football in Dublin

For our February Teatime Talk, we’re delighted to invite Gerard Farrell of the Bohemian Foundation to give an online talk about the history ...

Kevin Barry and Henrietta Street

14 Henrietta Street is delighted to welcome historian Donal Fallon to write a series of blog posts about the building and its rich and varie...


Do you have memories of Dublin’s tenements? Perhaps you lived in a tenement, or knew someone who did. Maybe you worked in or around the tenement buildings. Whatever your connection, we would like to hear your stories.