Eolas Fúinn

Eolas Fúinn
Músaem stair shóisialta shaol Bhaile Átha Cliath é 14 Sráid Henrietta, ó thosach Seoirseach an fhoirgnimh go dtí go ndearnadh tionóntán de. Déanaimid stair an tsaoil uirbigh thar thréimhse 300 bliain a cheangal le scéalta na ndaoine a chónaigh san áit seo.
Cuirimid beocht, i dturais phearsanta grúpaí beaga daoine, i scéalta na ndaoine a chónaigh sa teach, a gcásanna athraitheacha, an t-eispéireas a bhí acu ar shaol teaghlaigh, ar an bpolaitíocht, agus ar an tionchar a d’imir gnóthaí domhanda orthu.
Trí éisteacht agus labhairt le cuairteoirí, staraithe, cónaitheoirí áitiúla agus a dteaghlaigh agus tríd an eolas atá ag daoine eile, leanann an músaem le scéalta nua a aimsiú, le cuimhní a bhailiú agus le cur le bailiúchán agus eispéireas chuairteoirí an mhúsaeim.
Rinneadh 14 Sráid Henrietta a cheannach agus a chaomhnú mar thoradh díreach ar Phlean Oidhreachta Chathair Bhaile Átha Cliath 2002-2016 agus plean caomhnaithe Shráid Henrietta. Rinne Comhairle Cathrach Bhaile Átha Cliath athchóiriú agus caomhnú an fhoirgnimh seo a chistiú, agus fuarthas tacaíocht bhreise ó Dheontas Caipitil Comórtha Céad Bliain ón Roinn Cultúir, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta.
Tá 14 Sráid Henrietta faoi úinéireacht agus á chaomhnú ag Comhairle Cathrach Bhaile Átha Cliath, agus tá sé á reáchtáil ag Cuideachta Chultúir Chomhairle Cathrach Bhaile Átha Cliath.
Ár nAidhmeanna
Insímid scéalta
Trí scéal mhuintir 14 Sráid Henrietta a insint arís.
Páirt a ghlacadh
Déanaimid ceangail
Trí éisteacht agus trí labhairt, déanaimid ceangail le cuairteoirí, saoránaigh, staraithe, cónaitheoirí áitiúla, iarchónaitheoirí agus a dteaghlaigh.
Nochtaimid an stair
Trí leanúint le taighde a dhéanamh ar an teach agus na daoine a chónaigh ann agus trí leanúint ag foghlaim ó chuimhní agus eolas daoine eile.
Eolas faoi Chuideachta Cultúir Chomhairle Cathrach Bhaile Átha Cliath
Déanann Cuideachta Chultúir Chomhairle Cathrach Bhaile Átha Cliath tionscnaimh agus foirgnimh chultúrtha a reáchtáil ar fud na cathrach, agus ar son mhuintir Bhaile Átha Cliath.
Comhoibrímid le daoine, pobail, eagraíochtaí cultúir, gnólachtaí, agus le Comhairle Cathrach Bhaile Átha Cliath chun eispéiris chultúrtha a leabú agus chun rannpháirtíocht chultúrtha a mhéadú ar fud Bhaile Átha Cliath.
Rinne Cuideachta Cultúir Chomhairle Cathrach Bhaile Átha Cliath a chorprú i Márta 2018. Tá sé mar fhís againn Baile Átha Cliath a bhaint amach ina ndéanann an cultúr gach duine agus gach rud a cheangal. Is é ár misean chun daoine a cheangal tríd an gcultúr agus trí chomhrá chun an tsamhlaíocht agus eispéiris a spreagadh.
Is féidir teacht ar eolas breise ag dublincitycouncilculturecompany.ie
Our Team
The 14 Henrietta Street team is made up of people from a mixture of backgrounds in their academic, professional and life experience. We have a passion for culture and storytelling, and a love of Dublin city, community and history. We all share the belief that the best cultural experiences are achieved through participation, relevance and connection.
Dublin City Council Culture Company CEO - Iseult Dunne
For 14 Henrietta Street:
Head of Visitor Experience - Pauline Swaine
Visitor Experience Manager - Olivia Kavanagh
Visitor Experience Coordinator- Alisha Boyle
Visitor Experience Assistants: Laura Keegan, Maelisa Lennon, Mariia Perelygina, Louis Scully
Collections Manager - Suzanne Freeman
Social Historian - Donal Fallon
Education Manager - Dervilia Roche
Guides - Alice Brady, Frank Cullen, Sean Deegan, Frank Flanagan, Declan Gannon, Pat Garry, Gus Keating, Sheila Robinson and Gillian Ryan.
The team is supported by the wider team of Dublin City Council Culture Company.
Find out more about the Dublin City Council Culture Company team.
The People Without Whom 14 Henrietta Street Could Not Have Been Developed - over the lifetime of the project
Museum Development Phase 2015-2018
Dublin City Council Museum Project Team
Richard Shakespeare, Assistant Chief Executive, Dublin City Council
Paul Clegg, Executive Manager, Dublin City Council
Charles Duggan, Heritage Officer, Dublin City Council; Project Manager
Dr Ellen Rowley, Project Curator (Irish Research Council/ University College Dublin, 2016-2017)
Fiona Meade, Administrative Officer, Dublin City Council
Margaret Mooney, Staff Officer, Dublin City Council
Design Team
Shaffrey Architects: Tomás O’Connor, Project Architect; Eamonn Kehoe, Kevin McKevitt, Brian Rowe, Grainne Shaffrey
Barrett Mahony Consulting Engineer - Civil & Structural Engineers
Arup - Building Services Engineers
DL Martin - Quantity Surveyors
Maurice Johnson and Partners - Fire Safety and DAC
Rubicon Heritage - Archaeology
Liam Kennedy, Dublin City Council - Clerk of Works
GEM Construction Company Ltd. - Main Contractor
Main Sub-Contractors:
Oldstone Conservation Ltd.
Kiernan Painting Contractors
Keating & Doyle
Alfa Electrical
Gem Joinery
Bushy Park Ironworks
Smyth & Henderson Stuccodores Ltd.
Museum Development Advisory Group
Paul Clegg, Executive Manager, Dublin City Council - Chair
Sean Aylward, Under Treasurer, King's Inns
Peter Brannigan, former resident of 14 Henrietta Street
Professor Hugh Campbell, School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy, UCD
Professor Mike Cronin, Boston College Ireland
Brian Crowley, Chair, Irish Museum’s Association; Curator, Pearse Museum
Catriona Crowe, Author and Historian
Francis Devine, Labour Historian
Sheila Dooley, Dublinia
Paraic Fallon, Senior Planner, Dublin City Council
Sandra Heise, National Museum of Ireland
Beatrice Kelly, Heritage Council
Rose Kenny, Area Manager, Dublin City Council
Dr Edward McParland, Trinity College Dublin
Dr Jacinta Prunty, Department of History, Maynooth University
Historian Team 2016 – 2017
Dr Kelly Fitzgerald
Dr Susan Galavan
Dr Brian Hanley
Dr Melanie Hayes
Colette Lord
Dr Ciaran McCabe
Dr Timothy Murtagh
Dr Ellen Rowley
Artist & Creative Team 2017 - 2018
Arcade Film
Big O Media
Ronan Costelloe
Davison & Associates Photography
Roise Goan
Shirley Henderson
Historic Interior
Dragana Jurisic
Sonya Kelly
Carl Kennedy
Colette Kinsella
Colm Mac Con Iomaire
Paula Meehan
Christopher Moore
Paul Tierney Photography
Object Conservation and Advice Team 2017-2018
Sven Habermann, Letterfrack Conservation
Rachael Phelan, Textile Conservation
Liz D’Arcy, Paper Conservation
Maurice Ward Art Handling
Karen Wilson, Preventive Maintenance
Heather Flynn, Frames Direct
David Skinner Wallpapers
John Harte
Susan Mulhall Gilders
Richard Ireland
14 Henrietta Street Interim Management Support Team (2017-2018)
Padraig Clancy, Dog Bird Projects
Catherine McGuinness, Dog Bird Projects
Internships: Gertie Keane (2013); Joanna Carty (2015); Nico Ferguson (2016); Jordana Starkman (2017); Hallie Franzel (2018)
Remembering the Tenements Oral History Participants (2016)
Susan Beverage; Sheila Bolger; Valerie Boylan; Peter Brannigan; Phyllis Mary Brennan; Pauline Byrne; Ken Carter; Maeve Clegg; Mary Connolly; Marie Cooling; Catherine Corally; Anne Cunnane; Geraldine Deacon; Noel Derham; Michael Donal; Robert Doran; Ann Duffy; Anne Duffy; Veronica Duffy; Tommy Dunne; Tommy Dunne; Seamus Evans; Marie Gavin; Timothy Geoghegan; Jane Mary Geraghty; Elizabeth Gibbs; Nuala Gilsenan; Marie Gorman; Marie Gredley; Esther Halpin; Marin Halpin; Moira Harnett; Harry Havelin; May Haverty; John Horrigan; Paul Kavanagh; Olive Kearney; Kathleen Kelleher; Ken Larkin; Noel Larkin; Jane Lynch; Peter Lynders; Bernadette Lynders; Tina Maguire; Martin Maloney; Rita Martin; Dan McAuliffe; Angela McManus; Tommy McManus; Catherine Moloney; Eddie Morrell; Betty Nolan; Patricia O’Brien; Monica O’Neill Martin; Marion O’Reilly Byrd; Kathleen O’Toole Watts; John Pickering; Margaret Redmond; Michael Redmond; Jimmy Reilly; Paschal Ringwood; Desmond Rooney; Veronica Russell; Charlotte Ryan; Paddy Sheils; Thomas Joseph Smith; Sidney Sutton; Bernard Tyrell; Anne Watson; Jacinta Watson; Tom Watson; Sadie Wilton; Catherine Winston; Jimmy Winston; John Winston.
Information on the ongoing Your Tenement Memories project can be found here.
Exhibition Films-Credits
Researched and written by Dr Melanie Hayes
Produced by Charles Duggan and Dr Melanie Hayes
Music by Carl Kennedy
Film by NOHO Ltd.
Voiced by Gillian McCarthy and Robbie O’Connor
Archival image credits:
Green Drawing Room, Castletown House, reproduced courtesy of the National Monuments Service
The Rt. Hon. Nathaniel Clements & Hannah Clements, Stephen Slaughter, c.1749, reproduced courtesy of Sally Clements
State Ball at Dublin Castle, William Van Der Hagen, 1739, reproduced courtesy of the Office of Public Works
Assembly at Wanstead House,William Hogarth,1728-1731, (The John Howard McFadden Collection, M1928-1-13) reproduced courtesy of the Philadelphia Museum of Art Library and Archives
The Cries of Dublin, Drawn from the Life by Hugh Douglas Hamilton, 1760, ed. William Laffan, Churchill Press, 2003, Reproduced courtesy of Churchill Press
Henrietta Street, 1909 (Box 10_030), reproduced courtesy of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland
This Bed, This Raft on Stormy Seas, by Paula Meehan
Music by Colm Mac Con Iomaire
Produced by Charles Duggan and Roise Goan
Film by Arcade Film Ltd.
Voiced by Paula Meehan
Researched by Dr Timothy Murtagh
Written by Dr Timothy Murtagh with Dr Ellen Rowley
Produced by Charles Duggan and Dr Ellen Rowley
Film by BigO.
Voiced by Phelim Drew, Gillian McCarthy and Robbie O’Connor
Archival image credits:
The John Cooke Photographic Collection and Henrietta Street Dublin City Ireland, 1909 (Box 10_030), reproduced courtesy of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland
Postcard from John Brogan to Mrs Brogan, 14 Henrietta Street, reproduced courtesy of Geraldine Holmes
Photograph of Thomas Anthony Morrell, reproduced courtesy of Eddie Morrell and Susan Maddan
Quotation sources:
The Daily Nation, 9 September 1898
Report on Dublin Hospitals,1854
Evidence given to Public Health Inquiry of 1900. This in parliamentary papers, 1900, (xxxix) [cd 244] p86
D.A. Chart ‘Unskilled Labour in Dublin: Its housing and living conditions’ in Journal of the Statistical Society of Ireland (1914) p168
John Cooke (Hon. Treasurer of the National Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) giving evidence to 1914 Housing Enquiry, in appendix to the report of the Departmental Committee appointed by the Local Government Board for Ireland to inquire into the housing conditions of the working classes in the city of Dublin (Minutes of Evidence, with appendices) H.C. 1914 [cd 7317] xix, p107
Irish Builder and Engineer,13 September 1913 (Vol 55. No.19) p591
E.A. Aston in The Irish Times, 4 September 1913
Written and devised by Niamh Gleeson and Dr Ellen Rowley
Sound design, recording and editing by Carl Kennedy
Produced by Dr Ellen Rowley and Charles Duggan
Film by Arcade Film Ltd
Children’s voices:
Lillian Ní Rothláin-Ní Chuinn, Tom Mac Siúlaí, Lana Ní Ghruagáin, Calypso Wale,
Mia Ní Éalaithe, Harley Ó Duibhir, Abbie Ní Bhriain, Cuán De Faoite, Gemma Ní Chléirigh
Madison De Búrca, Caitlín Ní Bhroin, Diolún Mac Suain, Jordan Ó Máirtín, Flann Táilliúir
Emma Ní Dhuinn, Billí May Ní Bhroin, Domhnall Mac Pháidín, Macy Ní Láimhín
Conchúr Ó Maolmhuaidh, Ailís Ní Bhroin, Clár Nic Dónaill, Seoirse Ó Diolúin, Liam O'Dubhaill,
Lehanna Ní Chuilinn, Tianna Ní Mhaoldomhnaigh, Seán Tiúit, Somhairle Ó Muiris
With Special thanks to the following organisations and individuals:
Gaelscoil Choláiste Mhuire, Parnell Square, Múnteoir Rachel Ní Mhaolábhail, Ciara Maguire
Peter Brannigan, Jane Lynch, Tommy and Ann Watson, Mary Judge and Bernie Brennan Hardwicke Street Recreational Centre, North East Inner City Taskforce
Archival Image and Film Credits:
The National Folklore Foundation and the Brady Family for their permission to reproduce photography by Eilís Brady from Brady, Eilís, All In All In, Four Courts Press, Dublin, 1975; reproduced 1984, 2009
Chisler Collection, reproduced courtesy of the Dublin City Library and Archive
The Importance of Being Dublin(Norcon Films) footage reproduced courtesy of the Irish Film Institute
Researched and Written by Dr Ellen Rowley (Irish Research Council)
Produced by Dr Ellen Rowley and Charles Duggan
Music by Lankum, What Will We Do When We Have No Money; Colm Mac Con Iomaire, Cuírt Bhaile Nua and Neosfaidh An Aimsir
Film by NOHO Ltd
Archival Image and Film Credits:
Brendan Behan’s Dublin (Norcon Film Productions); Dublin Capital City(Fáilte Ireland) Archival Film Footage reproduced courtesy of the Irish Film Institute
Photographs of Henrietta Street, c. 1980s, by Bill Hastings, reproduced courtesy of Bill Hastings
"Fatima Mansions, Rialto" held in the G&T Crampton Photograph Archive. © Unknown. Digital content by Dr. Joseph Brady, published by UCD Library, University College Dublin
Earlier Phases of Work and Study for Henrietta Street
Henrietta Street Conservation Plan (Dublin City Council, 2006)
Commissioned as an action of the Dublin City Heritage Plan
Donncha O’Dulaing, Heritage Officer Dublin City Council
Grainne Shaffrey, Shaffrey Architects
Sharon Greene, Carrig Conservation International
Dr. Tracey Pickerill
Dr. John Montague
Boylan Farrelly QS
Lee McCullough & Partners Consulting Engineers
Emergency Stabilisation Works (Phase 1: 2008 - 2009)
Declan Wallace, Assistant Chief Executive, Dublin City Council
Charles Duggan, Heritage Officer, Dublin City Council; Project Manager
Grainne Shaffrey, Shaffrey Associates Architects; Lead Architect
Eamonn Kehoe, Shaffrey Associates Architects
Dr Lorcán O’Flannery, Lee McCullough Engineers; Structural Engineer
Susan Roundtree, City Architects Division, Dublin City Council
Patricia Wrafter, City Architects Division, Dublin City Council
Dunwoody Dobson, Main Contractor
Conservation and Reinstatement of Windows and Doors (Phase 2:2010 – 2011)
Declan Wallace, Assistant Chief Executive, Dublin City Council
Charles Duggan, Heritage Officer, Dublin City Council; Project Manager
Grainne Shaffrey, Shaffrey Architects
Eamonn Kehoe, Shaffrey Architects
Susan Roundtree, Senior Architect, Dublin City Council
Carl Raftery, Conservation Research Officer, Dublin City Council
Peter Clarke, Dublin Institute of Technology
National Joinery, Main Contractor
Funding Acknowledgements
14 Henrietta Street Museum (Phase 3):
Department of Culture Heritage and the Gaeltacht – Centenaries Capital Grant Programme
Emergency Stabilitation Works (Phase 1):
Department of Culture Heritage and the Gaeltacht - Civic Structures Grant Scheme
Windows and Doors Conservation (Phase 2):
Heritage Council: Conservation Plan Led Projects